New Kid Power Ups All (School) Year Long
From now through May, UNICEF Kid Power will be releasing at least two Kid Power Up videos each week to add more variety to classroom breaks. With nearly 100 videos in our library, there’s something for every mood, energy level or real-world lesson.
Energy Dance Breaks
Sometimes kids need to burn off excess energy (sitting in a desk for 3 hours, yikes!). Sometimes they need to get energized (hello, Monday morning announcements!). And sometimes kids (and teachers) just need to give their brains a break and move!
Whether your students are in the mood for high-energy dancing or jumping, or more moderate-energy dancing like salsa with WWE’s No Way Jose and even martial arts, we have a huge variety of Dance Kid Power Ups to fit your classroom’s energy level and mood!
Some of our most popular dance Kid Power Ups feature students’ favorite superstars, including Koo Koo Kanga Roo and WWE talent. One of the best parts about these videos is that they provide step-by-step instructions so that even the youngest or least skilled dancers can learn hip, new dance moves and feel like a pop star!
Kid Power Ups to Calm Kids Down
We heard your feedback and have seen all the research: yoga and meditation are great for students! Just like movement can help activate the brain, so too can calming practices help students focus and get ready to learn. This is even more important for students who have experienced high levels of toxic stress outside of school.
This is why we continue to expand our collection of Yoga + Meditation Kid Power Ups. No yoga mats required, but some videos require students to sit down, lay on the floor, or just have a little extra space to stretch.
Conversation Starters + Problem-Solving
When you want to connect important global and life lessons with social-emotional learning, play our new collection of Connect videos.
From talking about the Global Goals to learning about refugees and getting students to think about their values, these Kid Power Ups are prime for promoting critical thinking, problem-solving and team building — in addition to being great kickstarters for classroom discussions.
If you’re not already a part of UNICEF Kid Power, you can join for free anytime. It gives kids the power to save lives by connecting their activity (doing Kid Power Ups) to real-world impact. Sign up here!