Free Virtual Summer Camp for Kids!
Now available, CAMP@HOME is a new feature of UNICEF Kid Power® with 75+ short videos (sports, crafts, cooking, campfire songs and more) that inspire kids to “press play” on-screen, then “go play” off-screen. As kids have fun and learn new skills, they’ll also make a global and local impact!
Sign up for FREE as:
With CAMP@HOME, summer camp is happening this
year! Watch a sampling of our camp activity videos.
You can play any video at any time… and camp directors, teachers, and parents can incorporate them into customized daily schedules that they send to kids however they choose.
CAMP@HOME categories and videos:
LANDSPORTS: soccer, basketball, baseball, tennis, fitness
ARTS & CRAFTS: nature crafts, recycled crafts, tie-dye
FOOD FUN: cooking and food science
SONG & CHEER: classic camp songs, camp sheets, and campfire songs
WATERWORKS: fun with water outside of the pool/lake
ROPES COURSE: jump rope, friendship bracelets, macrame
S’MORE CAMP: flag raising/lowering, special days, lunch ideas, hair braiding, and more!
Camp Directors: Please Register Here